Environmental Policies
We offer affordable products with high functionality and quality.
Considering environmental and economical factors we strive to use materials and a line of production that presents a minimal environmental impact.
- We view the current environmental legislation and other regulations as the minimum requirements for our company.
- During production of products within our own brands (Budo-Nord, Budo & Fitness) we use production methods and materials with the least possible impact to the furthest achievable extent (e.g. ”Fighter Fair Fight”).
- We also try to limit the impact of the goods transports to the utmost extent. We do this by limiting the number of transports, shipping larger consignments and utilizing certified conveyors.
- We try to limit our environmental impact in or daily work in any possible way. Any returned goods will be reused or recycled before destruction.
- Other types of waste from our daily operation will be sorted and disposed of in an eco-friendly manner, hazardous materials are treated in a responsible and safe way.
- We continuously strive to update and improve our routines on this matter.